Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Would Totally Reread

Top Ten Tuesday is a lovely original feature/weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s theme is all about those books that we would reread. I’m not much of a rereader myself, but there are a few books that I have loved enough to read a second time. Man, it’s so nice to post a TTT after not posting one in such a long time!

NOTE: All books are linked to their Goodreads’ pages. Check them out!

1. The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Ryan

carrie-ryanI’m addicted to this series. I’ve seriously highlighted passages from these books–I’m in love with them that much. I don’t know why I keep putting myself through the pain of this series; I cry every single time I read them.

2. Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld


3. The Mine by John A. Heldt

mineI love this series and I would absolutely read the first book again! I still need to get my hands on the next books in the series and finish this one off. The ending of this book left me in tears so I’m eager to see what happens next. What a cliffhanger!

4. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

2999475I read this book awhile ago, but I remember absolutely loving it. I’d love to revisit it! For some reason, I feel like this book has recently gained a bunch of attention. I’d just like to assert–being a Seattle hipster and all–that I read this book before it was cool. 😉

5. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

16429619I read this book last year and I would reread this again. I know that a lot of people didn’t like this book, but I loved it. Sure, it’s a bit cheesy, but I loved the plot twist and the love interests. I’d read this again.

6. Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Obsidian_cover1600I’m such a sap. Once I’m done with this series, I’ll probably reread the first one again for nostalgic reasons. Reread where everything began! Man, what a guilty pleasure this one is.

7. Gone with the Wind

goneIF I had the time, I would reread this one. It’s such a classic! I love to hate the spoiled, bratty Scarlett and I love the selfish-and-he-knows-it Rhett Butler. Plus, I need to revisit my American Civil War era history and there’s no better way than through fiction! History books bore me…


And… that’s it for this week’s TTT! What books are on your TTT this week? Have you read any of these and/or would you read them again?

Link up below and let’s talk books!

4 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Would Totally Reread

    1. Absolutely… I feel like college has swallowed me whole!
      One day… you need to pick those up! A lot of people that I know only read the first book because the next three in the series have a change of characters (besides Tally–the main female protagonist), but I love them! Definitely pick them up when you have the chance. Which, if you’re like me, will be like 3 years because that TBR pile is competing with the skyscrapers to reach the sky…


  1. Fantastic list!! The Uglies Series came out when I was in junior high and I was not into “futuristic” books, so I hated them (for no reason, really), but lately I have really wanted to read them. I have seen Jellicoe Road on a few lists and really curious about it now. This is one of only two posts so far that I haven’t seen Harry Potter. 🙂
    My List:


    1. Definitely pick both Jellicoe Road and Uglies up! Honestly, I don’t remember what exactly happened in Jellicoe Road, but I just remember loving it. Haha that’s always interesting, isn’t it?

      This is embarrassing, but I actually haven’t read past the third book in the Harry Potter series… I just couldn’t get through it (and I tried twice). Ugh, I’m such a bad reader. So much shame!! I tried, though!


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