Opinion: Déjà Vu Book Covers

I’ve been seeing a lot of “déjà vu” covers lately. Those pictures that you’ve definitely seen before as covers, but authors keep reusing them. I don’t know if there’s a stockpile of photos that authors can use for their book’s cover if they don’t want to create their own, but this is something that I’ve been noticing lately. Personally, I find it hilarious, if a bit cheesy. Most of these books are by authors that I have never heard of, but Scott Westerfeld and Alyson Noël appear. I wonder who took the cover first? 😉

Here are a few of my favorite “déjà vu” covers…

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These three are proof that hand models are valuable to the book society.



Wow, these guys are photogenic… let’s put them on every single cover ever.

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What lovely eyes… Too bad his fantastic green eyes have been typecasted for all of the zombie/ghost/undead books.

Can someone say “awkward”?!

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Close up of the creepy, nightmarish eyes… Wonderful job on that mascara, by the way. Woah, Scott Westerfeld! Why are you on this list?!


Ahhh, the mystery and the intrigue… Oh, and let’s not forget the photoshopped flowers for special effect. Hmm, lovely.

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Is there something wrong here beside the fact that a girl is floating like a freak above an all-too-calm ocean? Oh, yeah… the fact that this cover has so been done before.

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If I forget that this cover has definitely been done twice, this cover actually gets a two-thumbs up from me for adorableness. I ship this like Fedex.

Note: I’ve seen this cover appear again, but I can’t remember the title of the third book.

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 Having read the book on the left (and loving it), I can say that these two books are incredibly different content-wise, but, hey, the photoshop makes everything alright in the end.


I hope these guys are getting paid each time their faces are plastered on a new book.

What is your take on repeat, “déjà vu” covers? Do you think it’s cheesy and ridiculous or are you completely fine with it? Or Impartial?

Let’s talk books 🙂

3 thoughts on “Opinion: Déjà Vu Book Covers

  1. I think its cheesy and ridiculous because I feel like it makes the books sharing “déjà vu” covers lose their uniqueness. (Of-course this doesn’t mean that they’re *not* great books to read – I’m sure the content is in no way similar!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree–it does make the books look pretty ridiculous, kind of like they’re “stealing” someone else’s original cover! But, yeah, I feel like we’re more likely to judge a book by its cover (as much as I wish that wasn’t true)… and I’m sure the books are all great in their own ways. It’s just so weird because I unconsciously associate a book with its cover!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know what you mean! I keep judging books by their cover (and only positive book reviews or book recommendations can keep me from doing this)… even though I don’t mean too.


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